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Forensic Mapping with sUAS
with Jack Hedges

This course will teach the student how to operate unmanned aerial systems to document a crash and crime scenes. The student will then take data collected in the field with a UAS and process the data with Pix4D Mapper Software and Trimble Forensics Reveal software to produce scale diagrams and analyze the data.
Each student will receive an 8-hour UAS Operator Course certificate, and a 32-hour Forensic Mapping with sUAS certificate. This course is KLEC Credited for a total of 40-hours.
Course Prerequisite:
This is an Advanced Forensic Mapping Course. This course requires a heavy use of computer and software equipment. Students requesting to attend the course should be familiar with the use of forensic mapping equipment, software, and basic UAS operations.
Each student shall have already received training from KSP's Forensic Mapping course.
KSP - Available at KSP Headquarters on a first-come, first-serve bases. Contact Sonia Way to reserve a room email:
Required Equipment:
- Unmanned Aerial System
- Remote Controller
- Tablet
- Charged batteries
- Firmware/applications updated
- Alienware/Dell Recon Computer
- Plug Charger
- 2-button mouse with scroll wheel
- 32GB USB Thumb Drive
- All students are required to have their own computer with Pix4D Mapper Software (apply for a temporary license no sooner than 5-Days in advance of the class. Do not plan to share a computer with a buddy)
- Applications on your Tablet or Smart Phone:
- AirHub Portal
- Pix4D Capture
- Appropriate UAS Controller App (DJIGo4, DJI Pilot, etc.)
- Ground Control Targets (six total)
- Total Station Equipment
Please park in the lower lot (in-service / visitor parking).
Point of Contact:
KLEC Course # 2383-23K - sUAS Operations for Law Enforcement
KLEC Course # 2522-23K - Forensic Mapping with sUAS
General In-service for 2025
with Robert Hartley

This course is designed to update Kentucky State Police Troopers, Kentucky State Police Officers, and/or local law enforcement officers, of all ranks, on a variety of topics and tactics. Topics covered will include: defensive tactics update, STOPs update, SFST Refresher, Financial Wellness, TacMed Topics, Drill and Ceremony, "the 31", and a legal update. Classroom work and physical activity will be nearly 50/50. Students who do not participate in physical exercises and/or assignments will not receive in-service credit.
This class is approved for 40 hours of KLEC Credit.
FTO Certification
with Jamie Smith

This 16-hour course will introduce the attendees into the leadership role that they will now take on as a Field Training Officer. This course will outline the requirements of the KSP Field Training Officer Program. This course will stress the importance of a fair, consistent grading criteria as well as providing feedback to the probationary Troopers.
Mandatory Defensive Tactics (Central)
with Michael Snowden

2025 Mandatory Defensive Tactics Training
KSP Academy
Mandatory Defensive Tactics (Central)
with Michael Snowden

2025 Mandatory Defensive Tactics Training
KSP Academy
Mandatory Defensive Tactics (Central)
with Michael Snowden

2025 Mandatory Defensive Tactics Training
KSP Academy
Mandatory Defensive Tactics (Central)
with Michael Snowden

2025 Mandatory Defensive Tactics Training
KSP Academy
Mandatory Defensive Tactics (Central)
with Michael Snowden

2025 Mandatory Defensive Tactics Training
KSP Academy